Richard Kleinert

The founder

My name is Richard Kleinert. Even in my childhood, I wanted to know the true meaning of our life and existence. That has left its mark on me to this day. And so, in the early years of my life, I began to practice martial arts, which deals with all questions about life and death. Since then, I have never left this path of life.

This life path has shaped my thoughts and values. But not according to a certain form, but he gave me the ability to think clearly and freely. Although there is only one consciousness, I distinguish perception between the internal and external, the subjective and the objective. I realized that man is not a victim of chance. And that safety, health and well-being is a result of the way we live.

The consciousness of a human being has an infallible intelligence. By consciously choosing thoughts, we shape the environment. Having this ability makes the difference between being a satisfied person and being a dissatisfied person.
When man regrettably focuses his attention only on the objective in the external, he finds it difficult to recognize the inner self and has less and less access to pure intelligence and joy of life.

The moment a person unconsciously begins to digress with his thoughts, he loses the ability to determine himself. Then he begins to believe that everything depends on external circumstances. And so he tries to change the circumstances instead of his thoughts.

It’s the same as looking in the mirror and waiting for the reflection to change on its own. So you believe that circumstances must change before you can laugh and have joy again. You have lost your self-determination and forgotten how to guide your own thoughts.

It is my full conviction that the wisdom and knowledge that come from the ancient tradition of martial arts can enrich any person who opens to it with more confidence and joy in life.

Because the survival of a warrior depends on his mental and physical condition as well as his skills, the demands on the training methods have always been accordingly very high.
The Ancestral Power Training, is one of these methods that I have learned and pass on to other people.

I want to practice and develop with you a skill that is among the most fundamental of all skills. It is the ability to do everything from consciousness. It’s about being able to focus as well as concentrate your attention naturally and easily. In this way we gain control over our thoughts and determine for ourselves what and when we want to think something.

Martial arts encompass our whole way of life. It concerns not only survival, but also responsibility for what we think, say and do. How to behave and react to others.

It’s about how we respond to the world. That’s what makes martial arts so special. How we react to what we perceive determines how we will feel in that moment and in the future.

Negative thoughts consume an incredible amount of energy. They are slow, heavy, and inhibiting because they resist and fight against an idea or expectation.

Positive thoughts that arise from enthusiasm, gratitude, and appreciation, on the other hand, are very quick, easy, and flowing. Therefore, they had best become our habit.

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